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thousands of flowers中文是什么意思

用"thousands of flowers"造句"thousands of flowers"怎么读"thousands of flowers" in a sentence


  • 万花缤纷


  • With thousands of flowers in boom and the sun shining brightly , spring is here
  • It is the same in agriculture . nine seeds can lead to thousands of flowering trees if the karmic wind blows in a good direction
  • As she fell she lost all consciousness , and when she came to she found herself in a beautiful meadow , where the sun was shining and many thousands of flowers were blooming around her
  • One must look at the golden cabbage flowers below to see the glistening flowers welcoming the sunshine and swaying with the gentle breeze in a tender melody . thousands of flowers expose their beauty competitively with the shadowy colors of the unruffled young cabbage leaves that stretch toward the distant horizon
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